How to add Marquee on any website wordpress,PHP,HTML,eBlogger ?

How to add Marquee on any website wordpress,PHP,HTML,eBlogger ?

if you want to add marquee on any website (wordpress,PHP,HTML,Blogger). you just need to follow below step

Steps:1 Copy below code

<section  style="margin-bottom: -13px;"><marquee onmouseover="this.stop();"
	    <span style="color:white;">
 <a  style="color:white;" href="/netrikas-coffee-table-book-edition-ll/"><strong>New:</strong> Netrika's Coffee Table Book Edition – ll</a>
 <a  style="color:white;" href="/cyber-security-preparedness-survey-edition-ll/"><strong>New:</strong> Cyber Security Preparedness Survey: Edition ll</a>
 <a  style="color:white;" href="/covid-compendium-edition-x/"><strong>New:</strong> Compendium Edition X</a>
 |  <a  style="color:white;" href="/covid-compendium-edition-ix/">Compendium Edition IX</a>
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Step 2: modify code according to your need.

Step 3: That’s it.

Note: in this code marquee text will automatically stop, when mouse hover on It.

How to Autoplay and Loop YouTube Videos in WordPress

How to Autoplay and Loop YouTube Videos in WordPress

First Method:

Use below code to play youtube video in loop and most important is please change youtube embed link

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Method 2:

This method also make responsive of your video (in mobile and desktop too)

<style type="text/css">
.full-width-youtube-video {position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0;}
.full-width-youtube-video iframe {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;}

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .full-width-youtube-video {padding-bottom: 100%;}

<div class="full-width-youtube-video">
	<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How to Disable WP JSON Rest API in WordPress without plugin ?

just add below code in wordpress theme function.php file at the bottom

Add the following code to functions.php (anyone)

if( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
remove_action('rest_api_init', 'create_initial_rest_routes', 99);


remove_action('rest_api_init', 'create_initial_rest_routes', 99);

Check if your site's username is exposed

open image in new popup window

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="openwin('', '530', '580')" class="linkgray fontbold"><strong>View Image</strong>

function openwin(file,Iwidth,Iheight) {

How to change date format in PHP?

How to change date format in PHP?

to convert the date-time layout Hypertext Preprocessor presents strtotime() and date() feature. We trade the date format from one layout to another. built-IN integrated – we’ve saved date integrated MM-DD-YYYY format integrated a variable, and we need to change it to DD-MM-YYYY format.
we will gabuiltintegrated this conversion built-in built-in the use of strtotime() and date() function. The strtotime() first converts the date integratedto the seconds, and then date() function is used to reconstruct the date integrated any layout. beneath a few examples are given to transform the date layout.
integrated beneath built integrated, we’ve date 2019-09-15 built-in YYYY-MM-DD format, and we are able to convert this to 15-09-2019 integrated DD-MM-YYYY layout.

New date layout is: 15-09-2019 (DD-MM-YYYY)
built-in the under example, we’ve date 2019-02-26 built-in YYYY-MM-DD layout, and we are able to convert this to 02-26-2019 (MM-DD-YYYY) format.

New date format is: 02-26-2019 (MM-DD-YYYY)
alternate DD-MM-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD
built-inside the integrated below built-in, we’ve got date 17-07-2012 integrated DD-MM-YYYY layout, and we will convert this to 2012-07-17 (YYYY-MM-DD) format.

New date format is: 2012-07-17 (YYYY-MM-DD)

convert date time into D-M-Y Format

$date=date_create($created_on );
$bdate=date_format($date,”dS M, Y”);

in above example $created_on store your date time value and covert them into D-M-Y format


14th Dec, 2015

Get all days and dates for the selected month of a year using php

Try this code for following purpose

  1. Get all days and dates for the selected month of a year using php
  2. How to get full day name from date in php
  3. Get day name from date in PHP

Just Follow below step and you will Get day name from date in PHP or print all dates, days of current month

### Step1: 
$month = date('m');
$year = date('Y');
$cur_date = date('Y-m-d');

$d = $day_count =cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$month,$year);



### Step2:

        $day = 1;


                        if($day=="$cdate") {
                            echo "<b>".$dated = ($day++.' '.(date("M Y")))."</b>";
                            echo $dated = ($day++.' '.(date("M Y"))); 
                        echo '('.$day_name = date('D', strtotime($dated)).')';

    <?php  $d--; } ?> 

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