PayPal is a payment process system, we will integrate PayPal with websites by using with php.
PayPal integration classification system
PayPal integration classification system included four files as shown below.
constants.php − This file has included API user name, password and signature.
CallerService.php − This file has included PayPal Services, that is employed to decision PayPal services.
confirmation.php − This file has included a form with minimum fields required to make payment process and it’llcome back payment success or failure.
PayPal_entry.php − This page has used to send the user the info to PayPal. It acts as associate adapter between PayPal and user form.
The user has to transfer a PayPal SDK file from here and precise a zipper file. The zip file contains four php files, we do not have to be compelled to amendment any file except constants.php
<?php define('API_USERNAME', 'YOUR USER NAME HERE'); define('API_PASSWORD', 'YOUR PASSWORD HERE'); define('API_SIGNATURE', 'YOUR API SIGNATURE HERE'); define('API_ENDPOINT', ''); define('USE_PROXY',FALSE); define('PROXY_HOST', ''); define('PROXY_PORT', '808'); define('PAYPAL_URL', ''); define('VERSION', '53.0'); ?>
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