How to Autoplay and Loop YouTube Videos in WordPress

2 years ago

First Method: Use below code to play youtube video in loop and most important is please change youtube embed link…

How to Disable WP JSON Rest API in WordPress without plugin ?

2 years ago

just add below code in wordpress theme function.php file at the bottom -------------------------------------------------- Add the following code to functions.php (anyone)…

open image in new popup window

2 years ago

<a href="javascript:void(0);" ><strong>View Image</strong> </a> <script> function openwin(file,Iwidth,Iheight) { var,'nWin2','x=0,y=0,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=no,width='+Iwidth+',height='+Iheight+',screenX=0,screenY=0,left=20,top=20'); } </script>

How to change date format in PHP?

3 years ago

to convert the date-time layout Hypertext Preprocessor presents strtotime() and date() feature. We trade the date format from one layout…

MilesWeb Review: Shared Hosting To Launch Your Business Online

3 years ago

Pricing is an important feature when it comes to choosing a web host. With this, reliability, performance, and features of…

MilesWeb Review: Fast & Scalable VPS Hosting

3 years ago

MilesWeb is another leading name in the market of hosting providers in India. They offer the best and quality services…

MilesWeb Review: #1 Reasons To Consider Their Managed Dedicated Hosting

3 years ago

How long have you been in the business? One year? 2 years or probably more, right? I don't know which…

Get all days and dates for the selected month of a year using php

3 years ago

Try this code for following purpose Get all days and dates for the selected month of a year using phpHow…

How to show only 50 words using PHP

3 years ago

Try this code for following Pupose Php show only first 50 charactershow to show only 50 words using phpPhp limit…

How to show/hide an element on checkbox checked/unchecked states using jQuery?

3 years ago

Just use below code for following purpose How to show/hide an element on checkbox checked/unchecked states using jQuery?jquery show-hide div…